Sunday, September 24, 2017

Why Millineals Love TWITTER!

Millennials love Twitter. Never before has expressing ones thoughts in 140 characters or less has become so popular. These days you can find out the most pivotal and necessary news on Twitter. This one app has become a major platform used by celebrities, philanthropist, jobs and politicians. If you don’t have a Twitter there’s a good chance that you find out a lot of what’s going on later than everyone else who has a Twitter.

President Obama made history when he used twitter to announce some major news while in office. Current president Trump also uses his Twitter for political reasons, some would say he has taken it too far. I would personally say some people just don’t need to a twitter a he is one of them.

Jack Dorsey is the creator of this amazing App and says he got his idea for short sentences by hacking into EMTs radio frequency and ultimately mimicking how they communicated with each other. They used short sentences and terms that said a lot and had great importance without saying much.

Twitter launched in July 2006 and since then it has become a major part of society. Inventing the hashtag and creating dialogues on issues that people would have never been able t talk about. Twitter itself has started many movements geared toward positivity and has a big effect on the growing sense of unity among millennials.

Twitter currently has over 328 million monthly active users as of last count ranging from people like Lebron James , Stefan Curry and Sarah Jakes Roberts, in whom are all people that I follow. they are leaders and great at what they do. I love to follow people who inspire me to be great. 

 Twitter houses the thoughts and protests of many philanthropist constantly fighting for change. Twitter has allowed many new music artist to be able to share their craft, and business owners to be able to grow globally

Lebron James recently took to twitter to talk about the Presidents "revoked invitation" to the white house after Stefan Curry already had declined the offer, this had twitter in a frenzy. it showed that athletes didnt agree with his remarks calling Colin Kapernick a "son-of'a'B&^%" for his silent protest againt police brutality.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Why You need to be on LinkedIn

LinkedIn was created in 2002 and has grown and become one of the main cites for professional online job recruitment. It is also a place where people can showcase their resume, connect with new meet and discover job opportunities. Professionals use linked in, job recruiters, campus recruiters. People looking for jobs and people looking to connect with others professionally are the main people that would use Linkedin.

A lot of college students are realizing its importance because we now know that the linked in profile is what most employers look at when searching for a prospective employee.
The best feature on Linkedin is the endorsement feature.

You can say something good and impressive about yourself and the people you’re connected with can vouch for you. Or they can endorse you for a skill that you didn’t write because they think you’re great at it. I think this is so cool because it shows future employers that people can vouch for a said skill, making it more believable and increasing your chances of being picked for a position. i recently was able to obtain a position with the New York Times through my linkedIn profile, here is my profile . here is an example of my English professors profile, he has a lot about his previous job experience with an overall clean set up . 

When looking at the different sites of people that I know I realize that some common mistakes are having misspelled words and not selling themselves enough. There is so much you can say about being a broadcasting student and you can actually list all he many things that you’ve done within your major. Which if you’re a broadcasting student at South Carolina State University is a lot. College students have to remember that we are professionals so it’s okay to talk about ourselves in that way and put that into the world on our Linkedin's. 

It is also important to have a very professional and clear profile picture so that future employers can get the right impression of you. This is my profile picture. I chose it because it shows strength, happiness and peace all in one picture. which are all the things I would dedicate to any position.

With my Linkedin sight I try to convey the fact that I am a well-rounded multi media specialist. You give me a job where I need to write, edit, and create events or to produce and edit a video I can do it because I’ve spent time being trained to do those things. Linked in is such a great and useful sight, no wonder more and more people are suing it. It’s the perfect online resume and job recruitment tool. If you are not on Linkdin, you need to join now!